Lord KEK

🐸$KEK Tokenomics🐸

Total Supply: 77,777,777
Tax: 1%

92% add to liquidity

6% burn to a black hole 

2% airdrop to top 200 PEPE holders 

No IDO, No private sale, No bullshit


KEK will lead the believers straight to the moon!

CA: 0xAbcb3895D66252e96a73dfD4803BD2D889E4d984

🐸$KEK Tokenomics

Total Supply: 77,777,777
Tax: 1%

92% add to liquidity

6% burn to a black hole 

2% airdrop to top 200 PEPE holders 

No IDO, No private sale, No bullshit


KEK will lead the believers straight to the moon!

CA: 0xc30bc877B5305f7893B9719065129149bFA85d7f

The world of memes needs a religion, it needs a god.

The world of memes needs a religion, it needs a god.

The world of memes needs a religion, it needs a god.

A world without faith is dreadful, and those without faith cannot enter heaven.

Kek was born from the darkness and led the people towards the light. He comes from Egypt, spreading love and wealth to the world.

Kek was summoned on 4Chan, and he will inform the world of memes.

Let us follow Kek, and the mysteries of the future will be revealed one by one. Kek will bless and reward those who believe in him.

Praise Kek

Praise Kek

Praise Kek


Let's join KEK together and have an impact on the world.

The faith of Kek encourages its members to go beyond personal interests

and devote their energy to higher human goals,

such as social welfare and cultural heritage.

We are not just about memes, let us contribute to society together.

© Lord Kek, 2023